Online Timpani Studio
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9First Movement Opening
The above example illustrates how I would generally phrase the opening of Beethoven 9. The overall style should be very majestic and loud. Pay special attention to all of the differences in dynamics. The change from Forte to Piano 4 bars before letter 'A' can be handled two ways: either muffle the drum right before the downbeat (marked piano) or have a second 'A' tuned on the 32" drum. Play the rhythm on the 29" drum and the soft downbeat on the 32" drum (muffle the 29" drum before the downbeat).
End of First Movement
Dynamics - be sure to make an audible difference between the Forte and piu Forte measures. Of course, the Fortissimo 32nd notes at Rehearsal 'S' should be quite loud and even. Generally, most players put a crescendo in on the roll 8 measures after 'S'.
Second Movement
Third Movement
Fourth MovementBe sure to make a diminuendo after the first note of this excerpt is played. Crescendo back up right before the 8 bars rest. Since these 8 bars rest contain the double-bass recitative you will need to "time" this section. The 8 bar section normally takes about 16 seconds . . . then come back in on the 'D'.
Fourth MovementEnding
The real "trick" in this section is going from the fast sixteenth notes into the slow, 3/4 section then back into the fast section again. I find it's best to think of some metric relationship between the two sections - the two beats to a bar in the fast section sort of equal the sixteenth note pulse in the slow section. Also, be sure to really attack the first group of septuplets (last 5 meas of the last movt), then diminuendo - and crescendo to the last four quarter notes.
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